Past and current research interests and projects

My past research focuses on racial and ethnic identities in New Zealand and Singapore, particularly mixed racial/ethnic identities and mixedness in these two contexts. I am a qualitative researcher, with expertise in the sociology of identity, race, ethnicity and gender, as well as Critical Mixed Race Studies and social psychological identity development of mixedness. My main approach draws on qualitative and narrative analysis, looking at how sociological research can be applied to make a difference to the lives of individuals.

My current research explores mixed racial and ethnic identities in the broader contexts of Asia and the Pacific, from the macro to the micro level: looking at how states classify mixedness, and how social and institutional structures affect people of mixed ethnic heritages. I recently collaborated with the Asia Research Institute in Singapore, looking at Eurasian identity and mixed heritages in Singapore. I am also beginning a project looking at applied and clinical sociology in New Zealand and around the world.

I review manuscripts for Journals including:
• Ethnic and Racial Studies
• Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power
• The Journal of Intercultural Studies
• Ethnicities
• Journal of Population Research
• Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies
I am a current member of the Sociological Association of Aotearoa/New Zealand (SAANZ) and the Association of Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS).